Indigo Dye Patterns
Below are some of my favorite indigo dye patterns. We learn how to do these in my Indigo Dye Workshops but I’ve included simple reminders below as well! Tea towels and all indigo dye materials to make the dye vat were purchase at Dharma Trading Co. Have fun!
Itajime Grid
Accordion tea towel fold both ways and place resist on each end
Can also do this in triangles (Itajimi Triangle)
Gather fabric at one point and secure with rubber band
Repeat all over
Accordion Folds
Accordion fold tea towel one way
Add rubber bands to bind
Scrunch up towel and secure with rubber bands into a puck like shape
The more tightly you secure the rubber bands the more white space
Clothes Pins
Fold Fabric and add clothes pins to the ends